
Simple tool for provision ssh keys written in bash. Useful in situations where ansible, puppet or other tools like that are to much.

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keypusher - install a known public keys in remote machines authorized_keys file

keypusher [ hostname | username | regex ]


keypusher will help you to distribute ssh pubkeys of your employees and partners to many systems. You can redistribute all keys to all machines or you can send keys only to single systems or systems which matches to a given regex. keypusher is completly written in bash. So feel free to improve it or to develop new features.


There are some files and directories which hold information of public keys, posix users and mappings. There is also a central configuration file which will keep some basic settings.

/etc/keypusher/keypusher.conf - basic configuration file

/etc/keypusher/userkeys - Here you save all your user public keys. The naming format is <name>.pub. The <name> part is used to reference to a single key in other configuration files.

/etc/keypusher/users - Here you can place text files which holds the default mapping of userkeys to a posix user. For each posix user you have to save a file with user name as file name.


If you want to configre Bob’s public key in keypusher you have to place his public key in /etc/keypusher/userkeys/ From now it can be referenced by using “bob” in all possible config files.

On all you system should exist the keys of backup and ceo in authorized_keys file of user root. So you have to write a FIle /etc/keypusher/users/root with the following content:


In /etc/keypusher/userkeys have to stored the public keys and

See also

keypusher.conf(5),,, ssh-copy-id(1), sshd(8)